Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Blank Canvas


Going through a harddisk I had laying around I found a piece of text that I wrote some time ago and for some reason I didn’t finish, but I like it as is (for now) so I’m putting it here. 
“A blank canvas. That’s what I would like to see everyone picture for their future, but it is just an illusion of someone too naïve to see the truth. We live in a society that doesn’t complain and what surrounds us is sort of imposed. Of course we all do what we want within the margins of what’s legal (more or less), but at some point what is legal and what is right is not always the same thing as the ones making the laws are also humans (never completely impartial/neutral) as the rest of us.
When I still didn’t know what I wanted to study for my own future I had several options. I could have submerged in the world of languages and translating which would probably have been the easiest choice. I could have taken on Law which is what most people recommended for me… but I chose computers. I was no genius at the subject but it was practical and gave a lot of options once I was done (not that I ever got that far xD ).
To my point… law would have been the right fit for me taking into account the way I am and my personality, but then again I thought I wanted to keep my health for a few more years. It might sound strange, but I reached the conclusion that if I studied that I would end up spending more time fighting against the system then working for it and I can’t quite see that as healthy for anybody.
I can’t picture free citizens when the policy of a country is made by and for politicians. I struggle to find it just that a man behind a desk can earn so much more than a man that works hard with his own hands for so many more hours. I don’t understand how the state can charge me for expenses I might not have and that someone else than me can chose to what author I give benefits. I don’t see how the money I’m paying for my pension goes to the elderly today and how taxes are just thrown into a common pot that exists for the ones in charge to deal out as they see fit.
It worries me that the state is allowed to take the citizens money and put it through the insecurities of the monetary market, such as the stock market. It bothers me that the solution to the crisis is giving money to the ones that already have money without ensuring that it actually is used to create and/or keep the jobs that people need and I don’t get how the government can take so long to pay out the financial help they’ve promised, even cancelling them in the aftermath in some cases, when the reason they were given was because they were deemed necessary. I also think that television should be more restricted when it comes to political propaganda because it is really hard to find any kind of “neutral” journalism nowadays…
I think drastic changes are crucial if we really want a healthy democracy and a relatively real freedom. I was about to write “the freedom we deserve” but it would be so wrong as the first step towards this has to be admitting that the current situation is what it is because we let it. The people must take responsibility and charge and start demanding that those in charge began working for them, and not the other way around as it has been until now.”

That’s what I’ve written so far. Maybe I’ll pick it up again another day. ^_^

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