Monday, April 14, 2014

Stone cold, right?

Nothing particularly new so far, but still feeling like writing so here goes a chapter about feelings which is normally something I don’t talk about at all... I find it entertaining that most people that know me seems to think that I don’t have any at all, some more seriously than others of course. It’s not strange, but I thought I might try to explain it a bit and hopefully I’ll get it better across in writing than I do when I try to say it, ‘cause that doesn’t work.

I’ll start by saying that despite I don’t come across that way as much now as I did when I was younger I’m an extremely shy and/or insecure person. When you grow up like that I think you’re normally presented with two paths for this, not necessarily options though. Either you get sheltered so much that you actually stay that way or you’re forced to deal with it.

Luckily for me I headed down the second road and for me that implied developing some heavy defences (walls if you like) to shelter myself efficiently. As I’ve said before I’m extremely aware of what and how I say things and for the most part, if I’m unsure, I leave it unsaid. I like the saying “It’s better to appear stupid while being silent than open your mouth and prove it” and although I don’t think I’m stupid I rather not feel that way. I can add I have an annoying sense of pride that doesn’t help much. :P

I’m also extremely “picky” when it comes to people I let close. Not because I have anything against anybody, but because I find it hard to be myself around everybody the same. Some people for some reason are just a better fit for me and it’s all but a conscious choice.

Another thing that plays a huge part is that I’m a pretty rational person which normally means that feelings for me come in second place beaten by far by reason. Of course that doesn’t mean I don’t have them, I just put them away. I’m normally very able to compartmentalize so if I’ve a had a bad day at home I can still go to work and enjoy my 8 hours there undisturbed or the other way around. I like to deal with each problem where it is and giving it thoughts elsewhere seems like a waste of time for me. I’m no robot so I’m well aware that this doesn’t always work and if something is overwhelming it will affect me, but I still make an effort to keep it private.

I don’t know why, but for some reason I’ve always felt that sharing too much is sort of a sign of weakness. I know it’s not the case and I’ve never looked at someone like weak when they’ve come to me for advice or comfort, but I just can’t get myself around to being like that. Normally if I share something I’ve already worked through it on my own and it’s all good by then. My friends have always complained about this because I tend to not let them feel useful as friends, but it works for me. I normally don’t work through problems complaining about them, but I do appreciate people’s company in those times. The best medicine for me I figure is just having a good time or at least get distracted. It makes the world suck a little less. ;)

Truth is for the most part I feel like an observer watching as the world passes by without touching me at all. Human nature fascinates me so I kind of enjoy that part. And then again there are those few times where I find that my rationality just disappears with no prior notice and I get mad at myself because my reaction to something doesn’t make any sense at all. You know, those feelings I’m not supposed to have whatsoever, they surface every once in a while… usually related to some of those few people I actually have close…

Not sure if this makes any sense at all, but I think it sums me up pretty much and I’m sure there are a lot of people out there being just the same, the opposite or somewhere in between. And that’s the best part, the fact that we’re all different. It makes the world all that more interesting. :)

Mmmm…  wall of text warning should probably be at the top. Oh well, if you got this far you probably figured already. ^_^

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